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Page: 395

Γι’ αυτό και η είσοδος στα μουσεία όλης της χώρας είναι ελεύθερη, ενώ μια σειρά από δράσεις, όπως εκθέσεις, εκπαιδευτικά προγράμματα και άλλες εκδηλώσεις, διοργανώνονται από μουσεία και άλλους πολιτιστικούς φορείς καθ’ όλη τη διάρκεια του Μαΐου. Το Διεθνές Συμβούλιο Μουσείων (ICOM), στην προσπάθειά του να αναδείξει τον ρόλο των μουσείων στη σύγχρονη κοινωνία, καθιέρωσε […]

An Australian tourist has been injured in a deadly shooting incident in central Afghanistan. Three foreign tourists and an Afghan were killed when gunmen opened fire in the city of Bamyan on Friday night, the country’s Interior Ministry has confirmed. “Unfortunately, this evening in the Bamyan city, there was a shooting against the public, in […]

Σύμφωνα με την ΕΜΥ, αναμένονται αραιές νεφώσεις που από τις μεσημβρινές ώρες θα πυκνώσουν και θα σημειωθούν τοπικές βροχές ή όμβροι κυρίως στην Πελοπόννησο, τη Στερεά και πρόσκαιρα στη Μακεδονία. Η ορατότητα τις πρωινές ώρες στα ηπειρωτικά θα είναι τοπικά περιορισμένη. Οι συγκεντρώσεις της αφρικανικής σκόνης θα διατηρηθούν αυξημένες κυρίως στη δυτική και τη νότια […]

Στις 17 Μαΐου θα ακουστεί το τελευταίο κουδούνι στα λύκεια και στις 29 Μαΐου στα γυμνάσια της επικράτειας. Επιπλέον, οι υποψήφιοι των ΓΕΛ και των ΕΠΑΛ θα εξεταστούν στο πρώτο μάθημα Πανελληνίων Εξετάσεων στις 31 και 30 Μαΐου, αντίστοιχα. Ενδοσχολικές εξετάσεις και εξετάσεις γυμνασίων Σύμφωνα με τον προγραμματισμό του υπουργείου Παιδείας, ημερομηνία λήξης μαθημάτων των […]

In 2007, four members of a doomsday cult, Chantelle McDougall, her daugther Leela McDougall, Antonio Konstantin Popic and Gary Felton, disappeared from the small picturesque town of Nannup in WA’s southwest. A coronial inquest was held a decade later into their suspected deaths but it could not be established beyond reasonable doubt what happened to […]

A line of products for young children, sold by the same baby brand across multiple Aussie stores and online, have been recalled over major fears they could lead to choking, suffocation or death in kids. Product Safety Australia (PSA) has recalled a number of Romper & Co children’s toys after it was found they did […]

A new case of measles has been reported in Victoria – the 10th recorded for the state since the start of the year. The returned traveller tested positive to measles after transiting through Melbourne Airport’s T2 international terminal between 9.15pm and 10.30pm on Wednesday. The infected traveller returned on Emirates flight EK408 from Dubai to […]

Chris Dawson has argued that he ought to be released from prison owing to bank statements and hospital records lost to time, and friends who had died over the last four decades who were unable to give their version of events in his defence, a court has heard this week. Dawson, 75, sits in Clarence […]

People attending the Victoria ALP Conference were met with scenes of violence as they tried to make their way into the Moonee Valley Racecourse. Protesters at a Pro-Palestine rally could be seen shoving and pushing people as they make their way through the crowd into the conference. Some included MPs and Labor delegates, who were […]

A man who attacked another man in a “dangerous and callous” mugging which left the victim with part of his ear severed faces deportation back to Egypt after losing a bid to appeal his sentence. Jok Gar was jailed for two years on charges of robbery and recklessly causing injury after he and co-offender Tyler […]