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‘What were you thinking?’: Rudd splashes $20k on party

Written by on August 8, 2024

Former prime minister Kevin Rudd, who now serves as Australia’s ambassador to the United States, has been slammed for spending tends of thousands of dollars, all of it taxpayer money, on a glitzy Pride party in Washington.

The party in question happened in early June of 2023, less than three months after Mr Rudd started in his role, and was hosted at the ambassador’s residence, an expansive mansion called White Oaks.

Guests at the event included officials from various parts of the US government, including the White House, State Department and Defence Department, as well as a handful of politicians from both major parties.

Among them were Republican senators Tim and Rick Scott (who are not related), and Democratic senators Ed Markey and Kirstin Gillibrand.

It was not cheap. Documents obtained under Freedom of Information laws, and first revealed by The Sydney Morning Herald, lay out the cost of the event in quite excruciating detail.

The biggest spending item was catering, which cost $US7380 ($11,200), including payment for three chefs and eight waiters.

Decoration was also pricey, with the embassy spending $US1264 ($2000) on an “organic balloon arch” and $US1512 ($2300) on a “custom balloon garland”.

A video production company received $US1732 ($2600) to set up various audio visual equipment.

Mr Rudd also paid to fly in a popular Australian drag queen, DJ Kitty Glitter, to perform at the Pride party. Kitty Glitter, who made her name in Sydney, is now an international star who tours around the world.

She was paid $US2792 ($4262) in total, including a $US2000 ($3000) event fee, $US652 ($1000) to reimburse her flights, and $US140 ($213) for incidentals.

She was not flown all the way over from Australia, but travelled from New Jersey to Washington, and then from Washington to Florida.

Another drag queen, local Washington personality Crystal Edge, was paid $US400 ($600) to help host the party and perform a number.

Add it all up and the total spending, after currency conversion, comes in at about $23,000, give or take. Our exchange rate with the US dollar was at a similar level in mid-2023.

Kitty Glitter posted for photos with Mr Rudd, and praised the event in a post on Instagram.

“Such a thrill to be invited to be a part of the Embassy of Australia’s Pride function at the Hon’ Dr Kevin Rudd’s Ambassador’s Residence in Washington D.C. last night,” she wrote on June 3 last year.

“A wonderful and welcoming affair, he made a very heartwarming speech that affirmed we as an LGBTQI+ community in Australia are so lucky to have a government that loves, respects and supports us.”

She appears to have been brought back again for this year’s equivalent function, the cost of which is not detailed in the FOI documents.

“A fabulous evening full of Pride at the Australian Embassy in Washington. SUCH an honour to be invited back again this year,” she wrote on June 14, captioning the Instagram post “K-Rudd and K-Glitz”.

‘Kevin, what were you thinking?’

Speaking about the revelation on his 2GB radio show this morning, host Ben Fordham was perplexed, to say the least.

“You know those mornings where you wake up and wonder whether you’re still asleep, and are just having a weird dream? Well that happened in our office this morning,” he said.

“We heard a story that sounded too crazy to be true. But then again, it involved Kevin Rudd, so we thought, ‘Maybe it is true?’

“It turns out that K-Rudd has become a full-blown party boy. He’s turned the ambassador’s residence into a drag queen nightclub. This is no joke.

“If it wasn’t for the FOI request, there’s no way in the world we’d know what Kevin Rudd has been up to.

“It turns out he’s blown about $20,000 on one party. And of course, he doesn’t pay for it. You do. DFAT spent $4500 on balloons for K-Rudd’s gay pride party. And I’m sorry to burst your bubble, K-Rudd, but that’s a lot of money to be spending on balloons.

“This next bit is crazy, because I’m sure there are drag queens in Washington. Kevin Rudd flew a drag queen into D.C.! He used taxpayers’ money to pay DJ Kitty Glitter $4200 for a performance. He also paid for her flights and incidentals.

“There are drag queens everywhere in Washington D.C.! So why did he fly one in!?

“Earth to Kevin Rudd: what were you thinking?

“K-Rudd, it’s our money! Seriously.”