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Senator ‘couldn’t be alone’ after Higgins claim

Written by on August 15, 2024

A close friend of Senator Linda Reynolds has told the WA Supreme Court the politician “could not be on her own” after she was hospitalised following Brittany Higgins’ interview on The Project.

The senator is suing Ms Higgins and her husband David Sharaz over social media posts the couple shared in 2022 and 2023.

The posts were critical of Senator Reynolds’ handling of Ms Higgins’ allegation she was raped in Parliament House in 2019 by her then-colleague Mr Lehrmann.

He was charged with rape and faced trial in 2022, but the trial was aborted due to juror misconduct.

The charge was dropped and Mr Lehrmann continues to maintain his innocence.


Giving evidence on Thursday, Denita Wawn told the court after the senator was hospitalised their group of friends took turns with the senator’s partner to be with her.

“I met with her in person and spent considerable time with her because we were of the view that she could not be on her own and someone needed to be with her,” she said.

Ms Wawn told the court her friend was weak and in a high state of distress, was looping and would be triggered by any little thing.

She said the senator would repeatedly try to rationalise and reconcile the difference between what she had been accused of in 2019 and what she believed had happened.

“Up until that time Linda was a highly resilient individual and could do almost anything thrown at her,” she said.

“My observations of her prior to this was that she could cope with anything.”

Ms Wawn said it was the first time she had seen her friend in such distress and experiencing symptoms that rendered her particularly weak.

“It was devastating. We were incredibly concerned about her wellbeing,” she said.

“At one stage I was worried her heart condition meant she could potentially die.”


Ms Wawn told the court a small group of friends took a trip to Northern NSW with the Senator Reynolds after the federal election in 2022 where the senator became highly distressed.

Ms Wawn told the court during questioning by the defence it was the worst she seen her since The Project interview.

“Between the period from when the Project aired and the lying cow incident, she was trying to keep it together and be resolute,” she said.

“It was still not good at all, but they were the worst times she was under acute stress.”

Ms Wawn told defence lawyer Rachel Young, during 2023 she had seen her friend highly stressed and trying to keep it together but not to the extent of when they were away in 2022.

She said they had conversations about the senator being on the backbench and her career derailing.

“It is fair to say that she was of the view as a minister or junior shadow minister she had greater capacity to make changes,” she said.

“On the backbench that consequence was diluted.”

She said they had talked about the senator not recontesting at the 2025 election about 12 to 18 months prior to her making the announcement.


Ms Wawn told the court she was “shocked” and “horrified” to read stories in the media about the allegations made against her friend.

Ms Wawn gave evidence in the senator’s defamation trial on Thursday, confirming she has been a close friend of the senator since 2002.

Ms Wawn said she first became aware a story involving the senator would be aired on The Project a day before it was broadcast.

Ms Wawn told the court they were on a walk when the senator told a small group of friends the show would be about an issue relating to a staff member, but she was duty bound not to disclose the issue at hand.

While Ms Wawn said did not watch the Project interview, she read about it in the media the next day.

Ms Wawn said she reacted with shock and horror and empathy for Ms Higgins, and was shocked and horrified to see the senator being accused of not undertaking her duty as an employer because the allegations were highly uncharacteristic of her.

“She was in shock and dealing with the fallout of the allegations,” she said.

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