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New legal woes for ex-Block star

Written by on August 27, 2024

Former The Block star Suzi Taylor has found herself back before the courts on a raft of drug-related charges, including allegations she trafficked the drug ice, cannabis, MDMA and heroin over five months and possessed multiple weapons.

Ms Taylor, whose real name is Suellen Jan Taylor, was dressed in a blue prison-issue tracksuit when she appeared in Southport Magistrates Court on Tuesday over video link.

She is facing more than 20 charges, including multiple counts of trafficking dangerous drugs on the Gold Coast.

It comes just a week after Ms Taylor pleaded guilty to a number of minor offences, including breaching bail, evasion offence at night, driving without a licence as a repeat offender and failing to stop on a red traffic arrow or stop line.

Prosecutors on Tuesday told the court they were seeking a brief order on all the trafficking charges Ms Taylor is currently facing.

Lawyer Daniel Gilbert, representing Ms Taylor, said there was still some case conferencing to occur on the other charges.

The matter was adjourned to October 15 for a further mention.

Ms Taylor – whose current occupation is listed as an “escort” according to court documents – was excused from appearing on that occasion.

The former reality TV star rose to prominence on the 2015 season of The Block but has been in and out of court on various petty offences over the past few years.

She is currently facing four counts of trafficking methylamphetamine, cannabis, MDMA and heroin between March 24 and July 13 at the Gold Coast and elsewhere, according to court documents.

She is also accused of possessing these drugs on June 18, along with possessing a handgun, shotgun and rifle, drug utensils and $55,410 in Australian cash which police allege was obtained from the trafficking.

Police further allege Ms Taylor possessed mobile phones – one suspected to be tainted property and the other allegedly used for drug trafficking.

Three other charges of possessing dangerous drugs and drug utensils relate to allegations Ms Taylor was found with the drugs cannabis and diazepam, and a pipe used to smoke a dangerous drug.

Ms Taylor is also facing separate charges of driving without a licence on Hudson Rd in Wooloowin on July 13 this year, as well as allegedly possessing a drug pipe and obstructing a police officer on the same date.

According to court documents, Ms Taylor pleaded guilty to charges of breaching bail, evasion offence at night, driving without a licence as a repeat offender and failing to stop on a red traffic arrow or stop line when she last fronted court on August 22.

All the offences are alleged to have occurred in Stapylton on August 14.

She was sentenced to 50 days’ jail with a parole release date ordered on October 3, as well as being disqualified from driving for two years.