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Page: 85

Australian councils are waging an ongoing war against tree poisoning — and now their “petty revenge” against malicious vandals, often wealthy residents in leafy suburbs seeking to boost their property values by improving their view, has been hailed online. A series of images going viral on Reddit show how councils often respond by erecting signs […]

Chilling vision of a families fishing and a young child happily playing by the water’s edge in an area notorious for its mammoth population of crocodiles has received a furious backlash. Tour operator Jack Tanner from Cryaround Australia Tours filmed the disturbing scenes on Tuesday at a partially submerged vehicle crossing at Cahill’s Crossing in […]

State Emergency Service crews in New South Wales have been flat out overnight Wednesday and into Thursday morning, being called to nearly 1300 incidents as brutal winds sweep large parts of the country. Figures released early Thursday morning by the NSW SES show the service was required at 1286 incidents on Wednesday, mostly in the […]

Scott Morrison has compared Anthony Albanese granting Australian visas to Hamas supporters from Gaza as akin to allowing Nazi sympathisers into Australia. The former Prime Minister has offered his views in the wake of ASIO Director-General Mike Burgess suggesting that “rhetorical support” for Hamas should not prevent visa applications from being approved for people coming […]

The federal government is facing calls to deport any international students associated with so-called “ghost colleges” after a major crackdown saw hundreds of dodgy operators shut down or given warning notices. The Albanese government last week announced that more than 150 dormant vocational education and training (VET) providers had been shut down after failing to […]

Australia’s retail sector has been in recession for the past 18 months – and recent trade data is bearing the hallmarks of an “economic horror show” for retailers between now and the Christmas holiday period. The grim call by Deloitte Access Economics partner Dave Rumbens follows retail spending declining across six of the last seven […]

Ο Στάρμερ, ο οποίος πραγματοποιεί διήμερη επίσκεψη στην Ευρώπη, δήλωσε πως θέλει να «επαναρρυθμισθούν» οι σχέσεις του Ηνωμένου Βασιλείου με την ΕΕ. «Αυτό δεν σημαίνει ανατροπή του Brexit ή επανένταξη στην ενιαία αγορά ή στην τελωνειακή ένωση, αλλά σημαίνει στενότερη σχέση σε αριθμό μετώπων», εξήγησε ο βρετανός πρωθυπουργός σε συνέντευξη Τύπου μετά τις συνομιλίες του […]

The Australian government has issued a warning to travellers over bird flu outbreak concerns. Strains of Avian Influenza, known as the bird flu, are circulating across the globe, with warning of outbreaks in Europe, North and South America and Asia. “Human infection is rare. But be aware of increased health risks when travelling to […]

A 25-year-old man has died after a horror skydiving accident in Queensland. Liam Newman was skydiving in Tarawera, a rural locality in Queensland about 260km from Toowoomba, on Tuesday. Emergency services were called to the Meandarra Talwood Road location about 8:10am, and Mr Newman was declared dead at the scene. The 25-year-old worked at iFLY […]

Ο James Cutfield, ένας 51χρονος υπήκοος Νέας Ζηλανδίας, βρίσκεται υπό έρευνα για πιθανή ανθρωποκτονία και ένοχος ναυαγίου και ανακρίθηκε για τρίτη φορά από τους εισαγγελείς Termini Imerese την Τρίτη. «Ο καπετάνιος άσκησε το δικαίωμά του να παραμείνει σιωπηλός για δύο θεμελιώδεις λόγους», είπε στους δημοσιογράφους ο δικηγόρος Giovanni Rizzuti. «Πρώτον, είναι πολύ ταλαιπωρημένος. Δεύτερον, διοριστήκαμε […]