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Αλλαγές στις ημερομηνίες – Τι ορίζει ο Νόμος Η διοίκηση του e-ΕΦΚΑ ανακοίνωσε ότι, επειδή εκλείπουν πλέον οι λόγοι (covid-19) για την – κατά παρέκκλιση των διατάξεων του άρθρου 34 του ν. 4611/2019 – πληρωμή των μηνιαίων συντάξεων του φορέα σε τρεις αντί δύο ημέρες, από τις συντάξεις μηνός Οκτωβρίου 2023 και εφεξής οι ημερομηνίες […]

The leader of an Indian political party’s Victorian chapter has been charged after allegedly forcing his ex-wife’s new husband out of the country. Sairam Uppu, 40, appeared in the Victorian Supreme Court on Friday and lodged a bid for bail on charges including kidnapping, extortion and assault. He has yet to enter pleas. Detective Senior […]

A group of Gold Coast police officers have been heard mocking a domestic violence survivor in a sickening telephone recording. The audio – shared by the Queensland woman, whose identity is protected, with 7News – was captured after she’d called them to her house for help earlier this year, alleging her ex-partner had broken in. […]

A congregation of faith healers accused of withholding a girl’s insulin – resulting in her death – have attacked the police case against them as “fiction” and insisted the girl will be raised from the dead. The mammoth Supreme Court trial of the 14 people accused of killing Elizabeth Struhs, 8, entered its final arc […]

CFMEU members will foot more than $1.9m across three years in order to pay the salary of the government-appointed administrator tasked with reforming the union, with enraged union bosses lashing the takeover as an attack on workers and members. Government-appointed administrator and senior barrister Mark Irving will be given a remuneration package of $643,640 a […]

Sunrise news reader Edwina Bartholomew has revealed on air that she had no symptoms when she was diagnosed with chronic myeloid leukaemia (CML) in July. A doctor sent the news reader for routine blood tests when one came back that was “out of whack”, revealing Bartholomew had cancer. CML is a type of cancer that […]

Anthony Albanese shut down a male reporter, saying he was prioritising questions from women while unveiling a new multi-billion dollar package to support frontline services fighting family violence. Speaking to media alongside state and territory leaders on Friday after a convening of National Cabinet, the Prime Minister announced a $4.7bn package to bolster frontline services […]

OPINION The great allure of getting out of the city and into the natural world is disconnection. Leave the mobile phone behind, get some sun and breathe fresh air. It’s one of the few chances you get to feel like you are on your own and to truly reconnect with the world. So you don’t […]

A former NSW Liberal leader who previously declined to back pill testing will co-chair the NSW drug summit as experts share their fears the state will go into another festival season with no action. John Brogden and former Labor deputy premier Carmel Tebbutt will lead the highly anticipated drug summit as experts lobby for drug […]

Η νέα δραματική σειρά του καναλιού του Αμαρουσίου θα προβάλλεται από Δευτέρα έως Πέμπτη, σχεδόν καθημερινά, και θα μας μεταφέρει στους μυστηριώδεις διαδρόμους του πολυτελούς ξενοδοχείου εκεί όπου θύματα και θύτες μπερδεύονται σε έναν κυκεώνα μυστικών, ψεμάτων και τραυματικών γεγονότων του παρελθόντος… Κηφισιά 1925.. Τρία χρόνια μετά την Μικρασιατική καταστροφή… Όλα ξεκινούν όταν μια προσφυγοπούλα […]