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With housing targets looking increasingly out of reach, one state is eyeing off a plan spearheaded by a Dutch city to combat the crisis. Speaking at a property summit in Sydney on Tuesday morning, NSW Planning Minister Paul Scully announced the state government would investigate pre-purchasing land and acting as a finance guarantor. “A similar […]

A top cop has called out police for initially failing to specify the race of the man suspected of throwing a thermos of hot coffee over a baby in a sickening unprovoked attack. Nine-month-old Luka suffered horrific burns to his face and body when the alleged perpetrator approached him and his mother on the morning […]

Social Services Minister Amanda Rishworth has slammed calls for the consumer watchdog to be given powers to break up airline giants, claiming the government is “getting on with the job”. Ms Rishworth had a fiery clash with opposition transport spokeswoman Bridget McKenzie on Tuesday morning following on from Ms McKenzie’s calls for more competition in […]

Federal Treasurer Jim Chalmers has slammed the Coalition for opposing reforms to the Reserve Bank, despite shadow treasurer Angus Taylor previously backing them. Mr Chalmers’ reforms would split the bank’s board, with one group responsible for setting interest rates and the other attending to governance matters. Mr Taylor had previously called the reforms “essential”, saying […]

New laws to enforce a ban on social media for young people will be floated before the next election, but one key issue is yet to be ironed out. The Albanese government has announced it will introduce new legislation before the next federal election, but is still mulling over what age social media access should […]

Η Αμαλία είναι από τις ηρωίδες που θα σκορπίσει πόνο και τρόμο. Στο πρώτο τρέιλερ την βλέπουμε να πληρώνει εκείνους που έβαλαν φωτιά στο σπίτι του πρώην συζύγου της, του Ισίδωρου, ενώ τούς κατηγορεί ότι έκαψαν άνθρωπο. Η νταντά της μικρής Αγγελικής δεν τα κατάφερε, πέφτοντας νεκρή, ενώ η πρώτη σώζεται έχοντας πανικοβληθεί. Η Αμαλία […]

A young man whose lungs have been destroyed and who now suffers from arthritis says he became ill after drinking unfiltered spring water. Chris Capper, 33, moved from Home Hill, a small town in Queensland’s north, to care for his sick father. He was visiting friends in nearby Mount Elliot in July 2021 when he […]

A driver behind the wheel of a wedding bus when it crashed killing 10 people and injuring 25 more in the NSW Hunter Valley will hear from more victims as he faces a second day of sentence hearings. Brett Button, 59, will appear before Newcastle District Court on Tuesday having earlier pleaded guilty to 19 […]

⚠️ Ενεργοποίηση 1⃣1⃣2⃣ περιοχές #Θεσσαλίας & #Μακεδονίας Προειδοποιητικό μήνυμα για επικίνδυνα καιρικά φαινόμενα στην περιοχή σας, από τις πρωινές έως τις απογευματινές ώρες της Τρίτης 10/09/2024. ‼️ Περιορίστε τις μετακινήσεις σας και ακολουθείτε τις οδηγίες των αρχών.… — 112 Greece (@112Greece) September 9, 2024 Σύμφωνα με τις προγνώσεις των μετεωρολόγων, η κακοκαιρία θα διαρκέσει έως […]

Ο κ. Μαρινάκης τόνισε ότι τα κλειστά σπίτια ανοίγουν με κίνητρα από το Κράτος και αυτή είναι μία πολιτική εντελώς αντίθετη από μόνο την επιδοματική. “Χρειάζεται και η επιδοματική πολιτική, αλλά να είναι στοχευμένη. Μηδενικός φόρος, λοιπόν, για τρία χρόνια για να ανοίξει κάποιος ένα κλειστό σπίτι” είπε ο κ.Μαρινάκης. Ο κ. Μαρινάκης αναφέρθηκε και […]