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An alleged “coward punch” attacker accused of putting a 20-year-old man in hospital with life-threatening injuries has been released to his family as his case moves through courts, but he will be shackled by a strict 100m rule separating him from nine people. The South Australian Supreme Court granted Craig Sansbury-Weetra home detention bail on […]

Senator Jacqui Lambie has grilled government officials on how they are going to communicate changes to veteran supports as parliament prepares to review legislation that will overhaul how ex-servicepeople’s entitlements are processed. The Entitlements, Treatment and Support (Simplification and Harmonisation) Bill 2024 aims to streamline claims processes for veterans, with all claims from former defence […]

Billionaire Elon Musk has been accused of pedalling “crackpot stuff” after he branded the Albanese Government fascists for considering disinformation penalties for social media giants. Social media companies could be fined up to five per cent of their annual turnover under the proposed laws. That’s prompted Mr Musk, who owns the social media platform X, […]

An anti-weapons protester is having her concrete-encased hand detached from a car by police and an angle grinder as another person at the protest reportedly smashed several vehicles in the central business district. After 42 protesters were arrested on Wednesday and police were hit with balloons and bottles filled with acid and vomit thrown from […]

Get ready to rug up as winter descends in early spring. After a run of unseasonably warm weather, the mercury is sinking as a cold snap envelops the south east. Melbourne’s Saturday maximum temperature could be six degrees below the September average. Coastal areas of southern New South Wales could be up to eight degrees […]

Όπως αναφέρει το ρεπορτάζ του Alpha, ο έκπτωτος Στέφανος Κασσελάκης διατυμπανίζει ότι ο αγώνας θα δοθεί μέσα στον ΣΥΡΙΖΑ βάζοντας τέλος στα σενάρια για τη δημιουργία νέου κόμματος. Μάλιστα, σύμφωνα πάντα με πληροφορίες του Alpha, τα τηλέφωνα πήραν φωτιά καθώς ο κ. Καπνισάκης φέρεται να τηλεφώνησε στην κα. Σβίγγου και να την ρώτησε ποιος έχει […]

Παράλληλα, με άλλες διατάξεις της τροπολογίας προβλέπονται μέτρα για την αντιμετώπιση των δυσμενών συνεπειών σε επιχειρήσεις και αγρότες των δήμων Βόλου και Νοτίου Πηλίου που κηρύχθηκαν πριν από λίγες ημέρες σε κατάσταση εκτάκτου ανάγκης στον Παγασητικό κόλπο. Επιπρόσθετα, με άλλη τροπολογία που κατατέθηκε στο ίδιο νομοσχέδιο, εισάγονται παρεμβάσεις που αφορούν στον υπολογισμό της απόσβεσης εκπομπών […]

Σύμφωνα με το υπουργείο Πολιτισμού, το απόγευμα της Τρίτης «συνεδρίασε η Επιτροπή Επιλογής της ελληνικής ταινίας που θα εκπροσωπήσει την χώρα μας κατά τη διαγωνιστική διαδικασία των βραβείων Όσκαρ. Στην διαδικασία συμμετείχαν 6 μέλη της επιτροπής και αφού διαπιστώθηκε η απαρτία τα μέλη ενέκριναν τη συμμετοχή στη διαδικασία των OSCAR, της ταινίας Η Φόνισσα, της […]

A new strategy to drive out family and domestic violence before it starts will be rolled out across schools, community groups and workplaces in one Australian state which hopes to shift attitudes and behaviours through primary prevention programs. The NSW government has committed $38m to develop new initiatives for early education centres, schools, sporting clubs, […]

The mother of two boys found dead in the Blue Mountains had battled long-term postnatal depression, it has been reported. Trish Smith was found by her former partner Nick Smith with self-inflicted injuries next to their sons Russell, 11, and Ben, nine, on Tuesday. She was arrested when she arrived at hospital for treatment. No […]