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Ο 46χρονος οδηγός που κατηγορείται για το τροχαίο στη Θέρμη Θεσσαλονίκης με τριπλή παράσυρση είναι αντιμέτωπος με την κακουργηματική κατηγορία της επικίνδυνης οδήγησης υπό την επήρεια αλκοόλ και για σωματική βλάβη από αμέλεια και κατά συρροή. Ο 46χρονος ο οποίος ομολόγησε ότι είχε πιει ένα ποτήρι τσίπουρο και ο οποίος κρατείται μέχρι την ερχόμενη Δευτέρα […]

A major update in Bruce Lehrmann’s Federal Court case has been revealed, as he continues his appeal against a devastating defamation suit loss to Network 10 and Lisa Wilkinson. The former political staffer is now appealing “the whole” of Justice Michael Lee’s judgment which found, on the balance of probabilities, that he sexually assaulted Ms […]

A man accused of “aiding” the killer of Gold Coast mum Kelly Wilkinson by driving him to her home and filling up a jerry can of petrol on the way has been found not guilty of murder. Bradley Bell was on trial in Brisbane Supreme Court charged with the murder of Ms Wilkinson, 28, back […]

Two former agency heads involved in robodebt will not face penalties even though a government probe into the illegal debt recovery scheme found they breached the public service’s code of conduct numerous times. In its final report released on Friday, the Australian Public Service Commission (APSC) said Kathryn Campbell and Renee Leon were among 12 […]

Σύμφωνα με τη Sun, ο μελλοντικός βασιλιάς «λάτρεψε» την παρθενική του πτήση στο αεροδρόμιο White Waltham κοντά στο Maidenhead. Πληροφορίες αναφέρουν ότι ο Πρίγκιπας και η Πριγκίπισσα της Ουαλίας παρακολούθησαν τον 11χρονο να απογειώνεται από τον διάδρομο με έναν εκπαιδευτή και να επιστρέφει στην προσγείωση με ασφάλεια λίγο λιγότερο από μία ώρα αργότερα. Ο Γουίλιαμ […]

Αλλαγές στις ημερομηνίες – Τι ορίζει ο Νόμος Η διοίκηση του e-ΕΦΚΑ ανακοίνωσε ότι, επειδή εκλείπουν πλέον οι λόγοι (covid-19) για την – κατά παρέκκλιση των διατάξεων του άρθρου 34 του ν. 4611/2019 – πληρωμή των μηνιαίων συντάξεων του φορέα σε τρεις αντί δύο ημέρες, από τις συντάξεις μηνός Οκτωβρίου 2023 και εφεξής οι ημερομηνίες […]

Australia’s Olympians and Paralympians have received an ecstatic welcome home in the first public event for the combined Paris Games athletes. Crowds gathered just a stone’s throw from Sydney Harbour on Friday for the free event. Athletes gave interviews, signed autographs and told some of their inspiring stories. Grae Morris became Australia’s first silver medallist […]

Prominent activist Monica Smit has been awarded $4000 in damages after a court found she was unlawfully arrested during anti-lockdown protests in Melbourne in October 2020. Ms Smit, founder of the Reignite Democracy Australia (RDA) lobby group, was arrested three times during the October 31, 2020 “Stop the Sale of Victoria” protest at Treasury Gardens, […]

An alleged “coward punch” attacker accused of putting a 20-year-old man in hospital with life-threatening injuries has been released to his family as his case moves through courts, but he will be shackled by a strict 100m rule separating him from nine people. The South Australian Supreme Court granted Craig Sansbury-Weetra home detention bail on […]

Senator Jacqui Lambie has grilled government officials on how they are going to communicate changes to veteran supports as parliament prepares to review legislation that will overhaul how ex-servicepeople’s entitlements are processed. The Entitlements, Treatment and Support (Simplification and Harmonisation) Bill 2024 aims to streamline claims processes for veterans, with all claims from former defence […]