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Author: admin

Page: 337

Abbie Chatfield has opened up about her secret boyfriend and shared details about the first time they had sex. The influencer and podcast host, 28, has finally confirmed she is dating Adam Hyde, who is in the band Peking Duk. The pair spoke about their long-rumoured romance on her podcast It’s A Lot with Abbie […]

Sitting in an interview room with two detectives, accused double-murderer Greg Lynn compared the past year and a half of his life to the “Truman Show”. “Well I know I’ve been on the radar for a while … too many people have said odd things to me,” he said in a recording played in Victoria’s […]

Alleged murderer Justin Stein has denied claims he injected meth and had sex in a popular Sydney park in the hours before he alleges Charlise Mutten was shot and killed by her mother, a jury has heard. Mr Stein broke down in court on Monday while giving evidence in defence of his murder charge at […]

Victorians are saving the most carbon dioxide emissions via Uber’s emission savings tracker. The new feature tallies the CO2 saved by riders hopping into an EV or hybrid. Rather than showing riders a negative statistic – how much they are emitting per ride – the rideshare giant is spelling out in simple, real world terms […]

Με ανάρτησή του ο γνωστός μετεωρολόγος τονίζει πως το πρώτο δεκαπενθήμερο του Ιουνίου θα πάει όλο με καύσωνα, υπογραμμίζοντας πως μετά το τωρινό, ένα νέο κύμα θα εκτοξεύσει εκ νέου τη θερμοκρασία. Η ανάρτηση του κύριου Τσατραφύλλια: «Με διαδοχικά κύματα ζέστης το πρώτο δεκαπενθήμερο του Ιούνιου”… Πολύ ζεστό αναμένεται το πρώτο δεκαπενθήμερο του Ιούνιου με […]

The government minister responsible for the National Disability Insurance Scheme, Bill Shorten, has defended his record in a heated interview with A Current Affair. Mr Shorten, a former leader of the Labor Party, appeared on the Channel 9 program on Monday night. His interview was preceded by a story outlining complaints against an NDIS provider […]

Ο Μανώλης Μαθιουδάκης είχε εργαστεί ως δημοσιογράφος σε πολλά Μέσα Ενημέρωσης, όπως τα «Νέα», το «Βήμα», ο «Ταχυδρόμος», η «Ομάδα» και η ΕΡΤ. Παράλληλα, διατήρησε μέχρι τέλους την ιδιαίτερη σχέση που είχε με τον «Ριζοσπάστη», τον οποίο διάβαζε σταθερά, σύμφωνα με το ΚΚΕ. Μανώλης Μαθιουδάκης: Η ανακοίνωση της ΕΣΗΕΑ Το Διοικητικό Συμβούλιο της ΕΣΗΕΑ με μεγάλη θλίψη […]

Για χρόνια στέκει αναξιοποίητο, με την τοπική κοινωνία να ζητάει επιτακτικά την αναστήλωσή του και την ένταξή του στα δρώμενα της πόλης. Ο Κυριάκος Μητσοτάκης έγινε πολλές φορές αποδέκτης τέτοιων παραπόνων και αποφάσισε να δώσει λύση. Μεθαύριο πρωί θα παραστεί στην τελετή υπογραφής του Μνημονίου Συνεργασίας μεταξύ της Βουλής των Ελλήνων, του Υπερταμείου και της […]

A man shot dead his aunty while they were watching television with his mother before turning the gun on himself. Martin Fowler, 44, pulled out a gun and fired four shots at his aunt Lois Witt, 77, while his mother Val, 88, watched on in horror. Police were called to the house on Jambaroo Street […]

Prime Minister Anthony Albanese could be punished for his close relationship with incumbent US President Joe Biden should Republican nominee Donald Trump make a return to the White House. Political journalist Nick Bryant made the comment on Channel 10’s The Project on Monday night amid Mr Albanese dodging questions regarding the country’s future relationship with […]