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Τα φαινόμενα είναι πιθανόν πρόσκαιρα να είναι κατά τόπους ισχυρά μέχρι το μεσημέρι στο Ιόνιο, την Ήπειρο και τη δυτική Στερεά και μέχρι το απόγευμα στη Θεσσαλία και στις Σποράδες. ΓΕΝΙΚΑ ΧΑΡΑΚΤΗΡΙΣΤΙΚΑ Στα νησιά του ανατολικού Αιγαίου, τα Δωδεκάνησα και τις Κυκλάδες παροδικές νεφώσεις. Στην υπόλοιπη χώρα σποραδικές βροχές και κατά τόπους καταιγίδες. Τα φαινόμενα […]

The number of investor mortgages in Australia is growing at five times the rate of loans being given owner-occupiers – with one housing critic claiming it’s easier for “hoarders” to own homes they will never live in.’s latest monthly mortgages report shows amid the grinding housing crisis, construction loans to investors have actually grown […]

Engineered stone used widely in kitchen and bathroom benchtops will no longer be allowed to be imported into Australia from January 1 next year after the material was linked to deadly silicosis disease in workers. When cut, the material releases crystalline silica dust THAT in large amounts can lead to the incurable and fatal lung […]

Jetstar boss Stephanie Tully stepped into the corporate aviation world straight out of university more than 27 years ago. While Australia’s three major airlines are now all led by women after new appointments in the last four years, things looked a lot different back then, the airline chief told in an exclusive interview. “When […]

Green senator Sarah Hanson-Young has accused Anthony Albanese of being “bullish” after he threatened to dissolve both houses of parliament in an early election. The Prime Minister made the threat after the government’s Help to Buy Bill failed to pass the Senate on Tuesday, with both the Greens and the Coalition voting against it. Senator […]

Firebrand politician Pauline Hanson has called for Australians to push back against Welcome to Country ceremonies conducted by Indigenous people. The One Nation leader delivered a fiery statement in the Senate on Tuesday afternoon, describing the tradition as “divisive” and something “many people tell me they are just over”. Her remarks follow ongoing controversy over […]

A secret report into the military justice system was briefly leaked on the website of the royal commission into veteran’s suicides before it was seized and leaked to media by senators Jaqui Lambie and David Shoebridge. The 141-page report looking into the Inspector General of the Australian Defence Force (IGADF) had been received by Defence […]

Workers in Sydney and Melbourne have taken to the streets as part of another CFMEU rally. The protests, which began at 11am, brought thousands of workers to both city centres. New South Wales police are at the protest in Belmore Park. The rally is expected to force rolling road closures along Elizabeth Street and Macquarie […]

The alleged mastermind of an encrypted messaging platform used for years by bikies, mafia figures and Korean and Middle-Eastern organised crime has been arrested. The Australian Federal Police stormed the home of 32-year-old Jay Je Yoon Jung in Sydney, where he lived with his parents, as part of a sweeping two-day raid across NSW, Victoria, […]

A million motorists are being warned to ditch a dangerous habit while behind the wheel or risk copping a mammoth fine, with new cameras watching from above. Mobile phone detection cameras have been running in a testing phase in South Australia since June, but will start issuing fines from midnight tonight. And it seems a […]