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Major update in murder-accused nurse’s case

Written by on August 13, 2024

A nurse charged with the murder of her husband has been granted bail but will be required to see a doctor for mental health treatment as prosecutors flag stark concerns about her condition.

Caroll Hopkinson stands accused of the early morning stabbing death of her husband Simon Hopkinson, 60, at the couple’s home in Adelaide’s outer north on July 7.

Police have charged Ms Hopkinson, 58, with murder.

At an earlier appearance at Adelaide Magistrates Court on July 30, defence lawyer Jeff Powell, for Ms Hopkinson, told the court his client had acted in self-defence in “tragic circumstances”.

The court was told Ms Hopkinson woke up in the morning to find her husband attempting to take his own life.

An argument and altercation allegedly ensued between the couple and Ms Hopkinson defended herself with the knife.

“She was in fear, she says, for her life,” Mr Powell said.

On July 30, Mr Powell asked Chief Magistrate Mary-Louise Hribal to grant Ms Hopkinson bail, with the chief magistrate ordering a home detention report before making her decision.

On Tuesday, Mr Powell pressed Ms Hribal to release his client on bail, arguing she posed no risk to the community and would not interfere with the investigation.

Prosecutors opposed bail, citing concerns about her mental health and if it could be maintained during the court process.

Mr Powell said Ms Hopkinson’s mental health “would be greatly improved” by her returning to the community and receiving treatment from home.

He noted her own training as a mental health nurse and her links to the nursing profession would help her navigate her struggles.

She also had a doctor she could see for mental health support and she was receiving medication, he said.

In her ruling, Ms Hribal said there was “nothing at all to suggest” Ms Hopkinson posed a risk to the public and her health state could be effectively managed through treatment while on bail.

The court was told Ms Hopkinson had secured a guarantor who would stay with her and help her at home she had a “supportive daughter” who would help her.

“For those reasons … I’m prepared to release her on bail,” she said.

Ms Hribal attached multiple conditions to the bail.

Ms Hopkinson is prohibited from leaving the state, will remain under the supervision of Community Corrections officers, she is forbidden from consuming drugs and alcohol and must undertake psychological or psychiatric treatment deemed appropriate.

Ms Hopkinson will next appear in court on November 27.

She has not yet entered a plea to the charge.