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‘Right time’: Political earthquake hits

Written by on August 8, 2024

A political earthquake has hit South Australia, with Opposition Leader and Liberal titan David Speirs announcing his resignation as leader of the embattled party.

In a statement released on Thursday afternoon, Mr Speirs said he would step down from his role fronting up against Labor Premier Peter Malinauskas, citing a desire to spend more time with family as a key factor in his decision.

“Ultimately, I want to spend more quality time with them and the demands of the role as leader makes this difficult,” he said.

“With just over 18 months until the next State Election, I feel now is the right time to depart from the role and give the next leader the best possible opportunity to succeed in 2026.”

Labor, led by Mr Malinauskas, turfed the Liberals out of government in the March 2022 election, winning 27 lower house seats, with the Liberals securing 16 and independent candidates securing four.

And Mr Malinauskas has continued to rack up wins, with Labor snatching the Liberal seat of Dunstan in a by-election from March this year.

Labor candidate Cressida O’Hanlon took the seat, which was held by former Liberal premier Steven Marshall, with 50.8 per cent of the vote after preferences, beating out Dr Anna Finizio.

Mr Speirs apologised to the Party faithful for the result, but refused to step down from his role as leader at the time.

“I am proud of what I have achieved as Leader of the Liberal Party and I have led a team that has rebuilt following the devastating 2022 State Election loss,” Mr Speirs said on Thursday.

“This has included reconnecting with regional South Australians, those in the suburbs and working closely with communities and industry groups to support strong policy development, on track to be announced well ahead of 2026.”

Voice Referendum Day in South Australia

Mr Speirs was born in Scotland and speaks with a Scottish accent.

He said he was “immensely proud” of his migrant background.

“To be able to go from an overseas migrant who settled in the southern suburbs of Adelaide as a teenager, to become the Leader of the South Australian Liberal Party, is something I am immensely proud of and highlights the incredible opportunities available to all South Australians in this remarkable state,” he said.

“South Australians are doing it tough right now and they deserve a better State Government that will put them first.

“I look forward to playing my part in supporting the next leader of the Liberal Party in offering a fresh and strong alternative government to the people of South Australia.”

Mr Speirs, who represents the electorate of Black in Adelaide’s south, took over the leadership job from Mr Marshall after the 2022 loss.

He will remain in the parliament.

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