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Ex-pilot ‘paranoid’ after campers’ deaths

Written by on June 4, 2024

Sitting in an interview room with two detectives, accused double-murderer Greg Lynn compared the past year and a half of his life to the “Truman Show”.

“Well I know I’ve been on the radar for a while … too many people have said odd things to me,” he said in a recording played in Victoria’s Supreme Court.

“It’s a bit like the Truman Show, where everyone knows you’re on TV but you don’t.”

He detailed several encounters where people asked him about hunting and camping, with the former pilot saying he believed they were in contact with police who were surveilling him in a “subtle but noticeable” manner.

When Detective Sergeant Brett Florence claimed this wasn’t the case, Mr Lynn said: “OK maybe I’m just paranoid”.

Mr Lynn, 57, is facing trial after pleading not guilty to the murders of Russell Hill, 74, and Carol Clay, 73, in March 2020.

Prosecutors alleged he killed the pair “without lawful justification”, likely following an argument with Mr Hill over his drone, while the former pilot has asked the jury to find both died accidental deaths.

The trial will return on Tuesday as prosecutors plan to play the second half of Mr Lynn’s police interview following his arrest on November 22, 2021, the jury was told.

On Monday afternoon, jurors were sent home shortly after 3.00pm after they were told the remaining two hours of the interview were not ready to be played.

“You’ll notice at points there’s blips or editing, that’s a standard thing that occurs at trials,” Justice Michael Croucher said.

“That editing process is still going on at the moment and won’t be finished until tomorrow morning.”

On Monday, footage of the interview was played in which Mr Lynn said he was already camping at Bucks Camp in the Wonnangatta Valley where Mr Hill and Mrs Clay arrived in the afternoon of March 19, 2020.

He said the pair seemed “nice at first”, and they told him they were also planning to camp at the spot.

“I said: ‘There’s hundreds of other campsites but if you want to camp here, it’s a free country’,” he told two detectives in the recording.

Mr Lynn said their initially cordial interactions changed in the evening of March 20 when Mr Hill accused him of hunting too close to camp and threatened to go to the police.

In the interview, he claimed Mr Hill pinched a shotgun from his car about 9pm or 10pm leading the two men to fight over control of the gun.

“I told him to let it go, he wouldn’t. We just kept wrestling and then bang,” he said.

On Mr Lynn’s account, the gun discharged killing Mrs Clay, with Mr Hill advancing on him with a knife shortly after.

The two men wrestled before Mr Hill fell on the knife and died, Mr Lynn claimed.

He told the two officers he made a poor decision to cover up the incident, burning their camp and hiding their bodies in bushland at a second location.

I just guess that, um, in my attempt to hide it I thought I might be able to move on and continue with my life, my family and my career,” he said.

At the start of the trial, Mr Lynn’s barrister Dermot Dann KC told the jury that there was no dispute between the prosecution and defence that on Mr Lynn’s account he is not guilty of both murders or the alternative charge of manslaughter.

“As a matter of law, the prosecution will have to disprove his account,” he said.

“The prosecution will have to disprove that beyond reasonable doubt.”

The trial continues.